
Dedicated to the Enhancement and Use of Positive Energies!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

To Peak Oil, or not To Peak Oil

To Peak Oil, or not To Peak Oil

David Chapman of Union Securities Ltd.

September 28th, 2006
We have been struck by the number of bearish reports and comments emanating from analysts, fund managers and assorted pundits with regard to oil, gas and other commodities. Just prior to the release of the FOMC statement on September 19, we heard a well-respected Chicago floor trader gush about how the oil bubble had burst, and how the Fed wouldn’t need to hike interest rates any further. Hearing that, we were tempted to rush out and trade in our 35 miles per gallon Honda for a gas-guzzling SUV as we watched prices at the pump plummet.

Of course we wouldn’t buy an SUV, but hearing statements like that makes you wonder what all the talk of peak oil has been about over the years.

Right on the heels of that came the Amaranth Advisors collapse. This hedge fund had directed 56 percent of its capital into energy investments and was on the verge of announcing a new energy fund. Amaranth is estimated to have lost US$6 billion, cutting its value by more than half. The company has been mentioned in the same breath as Long Term Capital Management (LTCM), the hedge fund that collapsed at the height of the Russian/Asian crisis. Curiously, that 1998 collapse was also at the bottom of the energy market. Will lightning strike twice? Does the collapse of Amaranth signal not the end of the energy bull, but the start of the next major move up?

Please click here for the full report...

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Friday, November 18, 2005

Energy Conservation - How Small Changes can dramatically reduce your Energy Bill

"There are many good reasons to conserve energy. If we use less gas, oil and electricity we will save money, and the pollution associated with extracting and using fossil fuels will decrease. Reducing greenhouse gas production may help to reverse global warming. In a nutshell - conservation of energy has both personal and societal benefits.
Most people are concerned with making their money last longer and energy conservation can help by reducing our energy costs. Homeowners can do many things to cut down on their energy needs. Perhaps the best thing they can do to is to install better insulation to retain warm and cool air.
Heating and air conditioning are the biggest energy consumers of the average household. Much of the heat and cool air escapes because of poorly insulated roofs, walls, doors, and windows." Please click here to read more

More Energy Efficiency News...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

WebEnergy Information...

Hydrogen Cars Are Not All Hot Air by Shaun Mackey

Ever hear of hydrogen cars? This new breed of cars being developed far exceeds the current gasoline-electric hybrid cars as far as cleaning up the environment and lessening the U. S. dependence upon foreign oil. Automakers expect to have hydrogen cars in the showrooms in the next 5 – 10 years.

So, what’s all the hoopla about hydrogen? Plenty. Hydrogen is the most plentiful element in the universe. With such abundance, there is no change of running out unlike the fossil fuels. If you remember your high school chemistry, you’ll know that water is made up of two parts hydrogen and one part water.

That means that hydrogen can be created for hydrogen cars by splitting water via electrolysis. It only means that by using fuel cells to power hydrogen cars, that hydrogen and oxygen can be run through a cell (generating electricity and heat) and joined together at the end of the process to produce its only bi-product, water. (Please click the link for the complete article...)

More Energy and Hydrogen News...

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Energy Fuels News on the Web...

Cleaning up energy usage
City officials are looking for the community as well as the municipality to turn away from fossil fuels and find other energy alternatives.

Standby Britain: How it fuels our energy crisis
Standby Britain: How it fuels our energy crisis 23 June 2005 Appliances on standby pump one million tons of carbon into the atmosphere. Wasted energy of appliances on standby could power 400,000 homes. Up to 85 per cent of power used by a video recorder is consumed on standby. Government says Britain would save 240,000 tons of C02 emissions by switching off televisions

Reducing Energy Loss and Unscheduled Downtime of Your Equipment Helps the Bottom LineWith Fuel and Energy costs on the rise, many companies are looking for ways to trim the fat off of their operating budgets by reducing their energy losses and unscheduled downtime of their equipment.

More Energy Fuels News...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Energy Fuels News on the Web...

DaimlerChrysler and Southern California Edison Use a Different Kind of Energy - Fuel Cells
PR Newswire via Wards Jun 28 2005 11:37AM GMT

TRN Newswire - Fuel cell converts waste to power.September 13, 2004 -- TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH NEWS By Kimberly Patch - Fuel cells extract energy from fuel chemically rather than burning it, which in general is more ...

New alloy verified for safer disposal of spent nuclear energy fuelResearchers at Lehigh University and the Sandia and Idaho national laboratories have received a patent for the new material, which shows far greater ability than any other material to absorb the deadly radioactive neutrons emitted by nuclear waste. At stake: 50,000 tons of spent nuclear energy fuel, now contained at 125 sites in 39 states, which Congress wants to store permanently inside Nevada's Yucca Mountain.

More Energy and Hydrogen News...

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Energy Fuels News on the Web...

Report foresees rapid growth in clean energy
Solar energy, wind energy and fuel cell markets could grow from $16 billion in global revenues in 2004 to more than $100 billion annually by 2014, according to Clean Edge Inc., a research and marketing company.
Advanced Energy and Fuel Cell Conference: An upcoming conference in Michigan -- the heart of car country -- intends to focus on manufacturing fuel cells both cost effectively and in low volumes while developing a supply network to produce components and advanced materials. [Future Energies]

More Energy Fuels News...

Friday, July 15, 2005

Energy Fuels News on the Web...

Experts Reject Bush Rationale for Corn-Based Ethanol
In a speech at a biodiesel refinery in Virginia last week, President Bush touted the economic and environmental benefits of corn-based ethanol. Scientific evidence, however, contradicts the Administration's claims that increasing ethanol production would reduce America's dependence on foreign oil in an environmentally sound manner. "The ethanol production process consumes more fossil fuel energy than ethanol's actual calorific value," says University of California civil and environmental engineering professor Tad Patzek, who spent two years studying the environmental impacts of ethanol. "The energy cost of restoring the environmental damage caused by corn-based ethanol production takes seven times more energy than the amount of energy obtained from the ethanol itself," Patzek told BushGreenwatch.

MOSCOW, June 2 (RIA Novosti) - To privatize oil and gas industry and...
To privatize oil and gas industry and remove whatever available limitations of overseas capital participation in the fuel and energy complex is what the Russian economy presently needs, Andrei Illarionov, ...

More Energy Fuels News...

Energy and Hydrogen News on the Web...

Nigeria: Chevron Launches Hydrogen Fuel Station
ChevronTexaco Technology Ventures LLC (CTTV), a subsidiary of ChevronTexaco Corp has unveiled its first Chevron Hydrogen energy station at the Hyundai-Kia America Technical Center in California.

More Energy and Hydrogen News...