Energy Fuels News on the Web...
Cleaning up energy usage
City officials are looking for the community as well as the municipality to turn away from fossil fuels and find other energy alternatives.
Standby Britain: How it fuels our energy crisis
Standby Britain: How it fuels our energy crisis 23 June 2005 Appliances on standby pump one million tons of carbon into the atmosphere. Wasted energy of appliances on standby could power 400,000 homes. Up to 85 per cent of power used by a video recorder is consumed on standby. Government says Britain would save 240,000 tons of C02 emissions by switching off televisions
Reducing Energy Loss and Unscheduled Downtime of Your Equipment Helps the Bottom LineWith Fuel and Energy costs on the rise, many companies are looking for ways to trim the fat off of their operating budgets by reducing their energy losses and unscheduled downtime of their equipment.
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